class: center, middle # Magnolify All The Things!
### Neville Li, Claire McGinty ### NEScala 2020 --- # About Us - ### Data Infrastructure Engineer @Spotify - ### Scala for data, Scio, Featran, etc. - ### 400+ developers writing Scala - ### 4000+ unique production jobs - ### Largest Google Cloud Dataflow job in existence, 100TB+ - ### OSS, Scala Center Advisory Board, Twitter Algebird, Bijection, Chill, Scalding co-maintainer --- # Agenda - ### Type classes - ### Magnolia with ScalaCheck and Cats - ### Property-Based Testing with ScalaCheck and Discipline - ### Data Type Converters - ### Magnolia vs shapeless - ### Other Fun Bits --- # Type classes > ### A type system construct that supports parametric polymorphism -- ```scala trait Show[T] { def show(t: T): String } ``` ??? pretty printer -- ```scala object Show { def apply[T](f: T => String) = new Show[T] { override def show(t: T) = f(t) } } ``` ??? companion object -- ```scala trait Semigroup[T] { def combine(x: T, y: T): T } ``` ??? algebraic structure of a set and an associative binary operation -- ```scala object Semigroup { def apply[T](f: (T, T) => T) = new Semigroup[T] { override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = f(x, y) } } ``` ??? companion object --- # Type class derivation ```scala object Show { // ... // primitive instances implicit val showString = Show[String](identity) implicit val showInt = Show[Int](_.toString) ``` ??? primitive instances -- ```scala // derived instances implicit def showTuple2[A, B](implicit a: Show[A], b: Show[B]) = Show[(A, B)](t => s"(${}, ${})") ``` ??? compose tuple instances -- ```scala // tuple 3, 4, 5, .., 22 } ``` -- ### Tuples only, no case classes, no sealed trait --- # Magnolia - ### []( > ### Magnolia is a generic macro for automatic materialization of typeclasses for datatypes composed from _case classes_ (products) and _sealed traits_ (coproducts). > ### It supports recursively-defined datatypes out-of-the-box, and incurs no significant time-penalty during compilation. > ### If derivation fails, error messages are detailed and informative. --- # Magnolify Show derivation ```scala import magnolia._ object ShowDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Show[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => caseClass.parameters .map(p => s"${p.label} = ${}") .mkString(s"${caseClass.typeName.full} {", ", ", "}") } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => sealedTrait.dispatch(x)(sub => } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } ``` ??? - start with type class alias - combine method for case clases - dispatch method for sealed traits - implicit method to summon the derivation macro --- # Combine - parameters of a case class ```scala case class Record(s: String, i: Int) val showRecord = ShowDerivation[Record] ``` ```scala def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => caseClass.parameters .map(p => s"${p.label} = ${}") .mkString(s"${caseClass.typeName.full} {", ", ", "}") } ``` -- ```scala abstract class CaseClass[Typeclass[_], Type] { /* ^ [Show[_], Record] ^ */ val typeName: TypeName // TypeName("com.spotify", "Record") def parameters: Seq[Param[Typeclass, Type]] } ``` -- ```scala trait Param[Typeclass[_], Type] { /* ^ [Show[_], Record] ^ */ type PType // String Int def label: String // "s" "i" def typeclass: Typeclass[PType] // showString showInt def dereference(param: Type): PType // _.s _.i } ``` --- # Dispatch - subtypes of a sealed trait ```scala sealed trait Shape case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape case class Rectangle(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int) extends Shape val showShape = ShowDerivation[Shape] ``` ```scala def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => sealedTrait.dispatch(x)(sub => } ``` -- ```scala abstract class SealedTrait[Typeclass[_], Type] { val typeName: TypeName // TypeName("com.spotify", "Shape") def dispatch[R](value: Type)(handle: Subtype[Typeclass, Type] => R): R /* ^ Shape [Show[_], Shape] => String ^ */ } ``` -- ```scala trait Subtype[Typeclass[_], Type] { /* ^ [Show[_], Shape] ^ */ def typeclass: Typeclass[PType] // Show[Point] or Show[Rectangle] def cast: PartialFunction[Type, SType] // Shape => Point or Rectangle } ``` --- class: center, middle # Time to Magnolify Things! --- # ScalaCheck - ### Property-based testing with deterministic generators -- ```scala sealed abstract class Gen[+T] { def apply(p: Gen.Parameters, seed: Seed): Option[T] def map[U](f: T => U): Gen[U] def flatMap(f: T => Gen[U]): Gen[U] } ``` -- ```scala sealed abstract class Arbitrary[T] { def arbitrary: Gen[T] } object Arbitrary { def apply[T](gen: Gen[T]): Arbitrary[T] = new Arbitrary[T] { override def arbitrary: Gen[T] = gen } implicit lazy val arbString: Arbitrary[String] = // ... implicit lazy val arbInt: Arbitrary[Int] = // ... } ``` --- # Arbitrary derivation ```scala case class Record(s: String, i: Int) ``` -- ```scala val genString: Gen[String] = implicitly[Arbitrary[String]].arbitrary val genInt: Gen[Int] = implicitly[Arbitrary[Int]].arbitrary ``` -- ```scala val genRecord: Gen[Record] = genString.flatMap { s => { i => Record(s, i) } } ``` -- ```scala val genRecord: Gen[Record] = for (s <- genString; i <- genInt) yield Record(s, i) val arbRecord: Arbitrary[Record] = Arbitrary(genRecord) ``` -- ### State Monad: `seed` ⇒ `(T, nextSeed)` [Let's build ourselves a small ScalaCheck]( - Typelevel blog by Lars Hupel --- # Magnolify Arbitrary derivation ```scala type Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { caseClass.constructMonadic(_.typeclass.arbitrary)(monadicGen) } def dispatch[T: Fallback](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { Gen.oneOf( } ``` ??? - combine - because `Gen[T]` is a monad, `constructMonadic` through an adapter `monadicGen` - dispatch - randomly delegate to one of the sub types -- ```scala private val monadicGen: Monadic[Gen] = new Monadic[Gen] { override def point[A](value: A): Gen[A] = Gen.const(value) override def flatMap[A, B](from: Gen[A])(fn: A => Gen[B]): Gen[B] = from.flatMap(fn) override def map[A, B](from: Gen[A])(fn: A => B): Gen[B] = } ``` --- # Arbitrary properties ```scala def test[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]) = { val prms = Gen.Parameters.default val g = arb.arbitrary // Gen[T] ``` ### What to test? -- ```scala property("uniqueness") = Prop.forAll { seed: Seed => val xs = Gen.listOfN(10, g)(prms, seed).get xs.toSet.size > 1 } ``` ??? Why not `== 10`? Some types have limited sample space, e.g. `Boolean`, `Option[Boolean]`. -- ```scala property("consistency") = Prop.forAll { seed: Seed => g(prms, seed) == g(prms, seed) } } ``` ??? `Gen[T]` is deterministic given a `Seed` --- # ERROR `[error] java.lang.StackOverflowError` -- ### Recursive ADT ```scala sealed trait Node case class Leaf(value: Int) extends Node case class Branch(left: Node, right: Node) extends Node ``` ```scala sealed trait GNode[+T] case class GLeaf[+T](value: T) extends GNode[T] case class GBranch[+T](left: GNode[T], right: GNode[T]) extends GNode[T] ``` --- # Generation size ```scala def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { Gen.lzy(Gen.sized { size => if (size >= 0) { Gen.resize( size - 1, caseClass.constructMonadic(_.typeclass.arbitrary)(monadicGen)) } else {[T] } }) } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { size => if (size > 0) { Gen.resize( size - 1, Gen.oneOf( } else {[T] } } } ``` ??? `Gen[T]` has size, useful for cases like `List[T]`. Shrink for each recurive layer, fail when size runs out. --- # FAILED ``` ! ArbitraryDerivation.Node.uniqueness: Falsified after 0 passed tests. ! ArbitraryDerivation.GNode.uniqueness: Falsified after 2 passed tests. ``` -- - ### `[T]` ⇒ `None` ⇒ `Gen.listOfN` ⇒ `Nil` - ### Resize unaware of ADT structure - ### Fallback to base case instead, e.g. `Leaf` ??? `Gen.listOfN` uses `traverse` Resize unaware of `Leaf` vs `Branch` --- # Recursive fallback ```scala sealed trait Fallback[+T] { def get: Gen[T] } object Fallback { def apply[T](g: Gen[T]): Fallback[T] = new Fallback[T] { override def get: Gen[T] = g } def apply[T](v: T): Fallback[T] = Fallback[T](Gen.const(v)) def apply[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]): Fallback[T] = Fallback[T](arb.arbitrary) implicit def defaultFallback[T]: Fallback[T] = Fallback[T]( } ``` [alexarchambault/scalacheck-shapeless#50]( --- # Injecting fallback ```diff -def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = +def combine[T: Fallback](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = +def dispatch[T: Fallback](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ``` ```diff } else { -[T] + implicitly[Fallback[T]].get } ``` ```scala implicit val f = Fallback[Leaf] ``` --- class: center, middle # Magnolify All The Cats! --- # Cats Eq ```scala trait Eq[T] { def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean } ``` -- - ### Combine ```scala Eq.instance { (x, y) => caseClass.parameters.forall(p => p.typeclass.eqv(p.dereference(x), p.dereference(y))) } ``` ??? All fields should be equal -- - ### Dispatch ```scala Eq.instance { (x, y) => sealedTrait.dispatch(x) { sub => sub.cast.isDefinedAt(y) && sub.typeclass.eqv(sub.cast(x), sub.cast(y)) } } ``` ??? Remember that `cast` is a `PartialFunction` Same sub type and equal --- # Cats Semigroup ```scala trait Semigroup[T] { def combine(x: T, y: T): T } ``` -- - ### Combine ```scala Semigroup.instance { (x, y) => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.combine(p.dereference(x), p.dereference(y))) } ``` ??? Combine each field of `x` and `y` -- - ### Dispatch ```scala @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive Semigroup for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? ``` [spotify/tfexample-derive]( ??? Cannot combine different sub types --- # Testing with Discipline -- ```scala implicit val eqRecord = EqDerivation[Record] cats.kernel.laws.discipline.EqTests[Record].eqv.all ``` - reflexivity - `x == x` - symmetry - `eqv(x, y) == eqv(y, x)` - antisymmetry - `f: T => T` ⇒ if `eqv(x, y)` ⇒ `eqv(f(x), f(y))` - transitivity - if `eqv(x, y) && eqv(y, z)` ⇒ `eqv(x, z)` -- ```scala implicit val sgRecord = SemigroupDerivation[Record] cats.kernel.laws.discipline.SemigroupTests[Record].eqv.all ``` - associative - `sg.combine(sg.combine(x, y), z) == sg.combine(x, sg.combine(y, z))` - repeat1 - `sg.combineN(x, 1) == x` - repeat2 - `sg.combineN(x, 2) == sg.combine(x, x)` - combineAllOption - `sg.combineAllOption(xs) == xs.reduceOption(sg.combine)` ??? `combineN` and `combineAllOption` are extra methods that allow optimization for multiple inputs --- # Arbitrary function - `Eq[T]` antisymmetry - `f: T => T` ⇒ if `eqv(x, y)` ⇒ `eqv(f(x), f(y))` ??? if `x == y`, `f(x)` should equal `f(y)`, and vice versa -- - `implicit arbF: Arbitrary[T => T]` ??? Not the same as `Arbitrary[T]` `f(x) = x + 1` not the same as randomly generating `x` -- ```scala implicit def arbFunction1[A,Z](implicit g: Arbitrary[Z], co: Cogen[A]): Arbitrary[A => Z] ``` -- ```scala trait Cogen[T] { def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed } ``` > _perturb_: subject (a system, moving object, or process) to an influence tending to alter its normal or regular state or path. -- ### Remember `Gen[T]`? - `Gen[T]` - `seed` ⇒ `(T, nextSeed)` - `Cogen[T]` - `(seed, T)` ⇒ `prevSeed` [Functions and Determinism in Property-based Testing]( - talk by Erik Osheim --- # Cogen[T] ```scala trait Cogen[T] { def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed } ``` -- - ### Combine ```scala Cogen { (seed, t: T) => caseClass.parameters.foldLeft(seed) { (seed, p) => p.typeclass.perturb(seed, p.dereference(t)) } } ``` ??? Chain `perturb` of each field and pass `seed` alone -- - ### Dispatch ```scala Cogen { (seed, t: T) => sealedTrait.dispatch(t) { sub => sub.typeclass.perturb(seed, sub.cast(t)) } } ``` ??? Call `perturb` of the sub type --- # Cogen properties ### Remember Arbitrary properties? -- ```scala property("uniqueness") = Prop.forAll { seed: Seed, xs: List[T] =>, _)).toSet.size == xs.toSet.size } ``` ??? Unique input must produce unique "previous seed" via `perturb` -- ```scala property("consistency") = Prop.forAll { (seed: Seed, x: T) => co.perturb(seed, x) == co.perturb(seed, x) } ``` ??? Same input and `seed` must produce same "previous seed" --- # FAILED ``` [info] ! CogenDerivation.Nullable.uniqueness: Falsified after 41 passed tests. [info] > ARG_0: 0 [info] > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: -8945615488364931345 [info] > ARG_1: List("Nullable(Some(false),None,None)", "Nullable(None,Some(0),None)") ``` -- ```scala case class Nullable(b: Option[Boolean], i: Option[Int], s: Option[String]) ``` -- ```scala implicit def cogenOption[A](implicit A: Cogen[A]): Cogen[Option[A]] = Cogen((seed, o) => o.fold(seed)(a => A.perturb(, a))) implicit lazy val cogenBoolean: Cogen[Boolean] = Cogen(b => if (b) 1L else 0L) implicit lazy val cogenChar: Cogen[Char] = Cogen(_.toLong) implicit def cogenString: Cogen[String] = ``` -- - ### No-op for `None` - ### `Cogen[Boolean]` ⇔ `Cogen[Int]` @ [1, 0] ??? For both input `Nullable` instances, only `Cogen[Int]#perturb(seed, 0)` is called --- # Fixing Cogen ```diff Cogen { (seed, t: T) => caseClass.parameters.foldLeft(seed) { (seed, p) => - p.typeclass.perturb(seed, p.dereference(t)) + val s = Cogen.cogenInt.perturb(seed, p.index) + p.typeclass.perturb(s, p.dereference(t)) } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cogen { (seed, t: T) => sealedTrait.dispatch(t) { sub => - sub.typeclass.perturb(seed, sub.cast(t)) + val s = Cogen.cogenInt.perturb(seed, p.index) + sub.typeclass.perturb(s, sub.cast(t)) } } ``` ??? Inject field index to distinguish them --- # One more bug ``` [info] ! ArbitraryDerivation.Nullable.uniqueness: Falsified after 81 passed tests. [info] > ARG_0: Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") ``` -- ```scala scala> val seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=").get seed: org.scalacheck.rng.Seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") scala> res0: org.scalacheck.rng.Seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") scala> res1: org.scalacheck.rng.Seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") scala> res2: org.scalacheck.rng.Seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") ``` ### Remember the properties? ```scala property("uniqueness") = Prop.forAll { seed: Seed => /* ^ implicit a: Arbitrary[Seed] ^ */ ``` -- No `implicit val arbSeed: Arbitrary[Seed]` in ScalaCheck! --- # Pseudo ramdom seed ```scala sealed abstract class Seed { // ... def next: Seed = // shift and mangle a, b, c, d bits } object Seed { private case class apply(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long) extends Seed def fromLongs(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): Seed = apply(a, b, c, d) def apply(s: Long): Seed = { var i = 0 var seed: Seed = Seed(0xf1ea5eed, s, s, s) while (i < 20) { seed =; i += 1 } seed } } ``` -- ```scala scala> Seed.fromLongs(0, 0, 0, 0) res3: org.scalacheck.rng.Seed = Seed.fromBase64("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") ``` ??? Magnolia kicked in and generated implicit for `Seed.apply` --- # Fixing Seed ```diff -property(s"$name.uniqueness") = Prop.forAll { seed: Seed => +property(s"$name.uniqueness") = Prop.forAll { l: Long => val seed = Seed(l) // prevent Magnolia from deriving `Seed` ``` -- ### Fixing implicit scopes - `import magnolify.$MODULE.semiauto._` for manual derivation e.g. `implicit val arbRecord = ArbitraryDerivation[Record]` - `import magnolify.$` for implicits ```scala def genArbitraryMacro[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ val wtt = weakTypeTag[T] q"""_root_.magnolify.scalacheck.semiauto.ArbitraryDerivation.apply[$wtt]""" } // ArbitraryDerivation is a macro and requires WeakTypeTag implicit def genArbitrary[T]: Arbitrary[T] = macro genArbitraryMacro[T] ``` ??? Fine-grained control over implicit derivation --- class: center, middle # Magnolify All The Data! --- # Converters Derive case classes for common serialization formats, and converters between CC and underlying type -- - BigQuery -- - DataStore -- - Protobuf -- - Tensorflow -- - Avro -- ```scala trait Converter[T, Reader, Writer] extends Serializable { def from(v: Reader): T def to(v: T): Writer } ``` --- # AvroType[T] ```java package org.apache.avro.generic; public interface GenericRecord extends IndexedRecord { /** Set the value of a field given its name. */ void put(String key, Object v); /** Return the value of a field given its name. */ Object get(String key); } ``` --- # AvroType[T] `GenericRecord`s have a default implementation... ```java package org.apache.avro.generic; public static class Record implements GenericRecord, Comparable
{ private final Schema schema; private final Object[] values; } ``` and associated `Schema`: ```java package org.apache.avro; public abstract class Schema { public enum Type { RECORD, ENUM, ARRAY, MAP, UNION, FIXED, STRING, BYTES, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, NULL; } public static class Field { private final String name; private final Schema schema; private final String doc; private final JsonNode defaultValue; } } ``` --- # AvroType[T] We can represent primitive fields... ```scala sealed trait AvroField[T] extends Serializable { self => type FromT type ToT val schema: Schema def defaultVal: Any def from(v: FromT): T def to(v: T): ToT def fromAny(v: Any): T = from(v.asInstanceOf[FromT]) } ``` -- ...and entire `GenericRecord`s: ```scala sealed trait AvroType[T] extends Converter[T, GenericRecord, GenericRecord] { val schema: Schema def apply(r: GenericRecord): T = from(r) def apply(t: T): GenericRecord = to(t) } object AvroType { implicit def apply[T](implicit f: AvroField.Record[T]): AvroType[T] = ... } ``` --- # AvroType[T] - Explicitly define primitive field conversions and let Magnolia derivation handle CCs - Some primitive types have same representation in CC as in Avro... ```scala implicit val afInt = aux[Int, Int, Int]](Schema.Type.INT)(identity)(identity) private def aux[T, From, To](tpe: Schema.Type)(f: From => T)(g: T => To): AvroField[T] = new AvroField.Aux[T, From, To] { override protected val schema: Schema = Schema.create(tpe) ... } ``` -- - But some are handled differently: ```scala implicit val afString = aux[String, CharSequence, String](Schema.Type.STRING)(_.toString)(identity) ``` -- ```scala implicit def afOption[T](implicit f: AvroField[T]): AvroField[Option[T]] = new Aux[Option[T], f.FromT, f.ToT] { override protected val schema: Schema = Schema.createUnion(Schema.create(Schema.Type.NULL), f.schema) ... } ``` --- - ### Combine ```scala def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): AvroField[T] = new AvroField[T] { override type FromT = GenericRecord override type ToT = GenericRecord override protected val schemaString: String = Schema.createRecord(caseClass.typeName, ...) override def defaultVal: Any = null override def from(v: GenericRecord): T = caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.fromAny(v.get(p.label))) override def to(v: T): GenericRecord = caseClass.parameters .foldLeft(new GenericRecordBuilder(schema)) { (b, p) => b.set(p.label, }.build() } ``` --- - ### Dispatch ```scala @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive AvroField for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Record[T] = ??? ``` -- - maybe support complex union types in future? --- # AvroType in action -- ```sbt scala> import magnolify.avro._ ``` -- ```sbt scala> case class Foo(a: Int, b: List[String], c: Option[Boolean]) defined class Foo scala> val foo = Foo(1, List("a", "b", "c"), Some(true)) foo: Foo = Foo(1,List(a, b, c),Some(true)) ``` -- ```sbt scala> val converter = AvroType[Foo] converter: magnolify.avro.AvroType[Foo] = magnolify.avro.AvroType$$anon$1@53bdb702 ``` -- ```sbt scala> val genericRecord = genericRecord: org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord = {"a": 1, "b": ["a", "b", "c"], "c": true} scala> genericRecord.getSchema org.apache.avro.Schema = {"type":"record","name":"Foo","namespace":"$iw","fields":[{"name":"a","type":"int"}, {"name":"b","type":{"type":"array","items":"string"},"default":[]},{"name":"c","type":["null","boolean"],"default":null}]} ``` -- ```sbt scala> converter.from(genericRecord) res: Foo = Foo(1,List(a, b, c),Some(true)) ``` --- # Other Converters -- BigQuery ```scala sealed trait TableRowType[T] extends Converter[T, TableRow, TableRow] ``` -- Protobuf ```scala sealed trait ProtobufType[T, MsgT <: Message] extends Converter[T, MsgT, MsgT] ``` -- Tensorflow ```scala sealed trait ExampleType[T] extends Converter[T, Example, Example.Builder] ``` -- Datastore ```scala sealed trait EntityType[T] extends Converter[T, Entity, Entity.Builder] ``` --- class: center, middle # Magnolify All The Shapes! --- # Magnolia vs shapeless - ### Type signature ```scala def from[L <: HList](m: GenericRecord)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], fromL: FromAvroRecord[L]): Option[A] def to[L <: HList](a: A)(implicit gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, L], toL: ToAvroRecord[L], tt: TypeTag[A]): GenericRecord ``` ??? Shapeless relies heavily on implicit, macro-generated types Implicits leak through API -- - ### Implicit chaining `LowPriorityFromMappable1` ⇒ `LowPriorityFromMappableOption1` ⇒ `LowPriorityFromMappableSeq1` ⇒ `LowPriorityFromMappable0` ⇒ `LowPriorityFromMappableOption0` ⇒ `LowPriorityFromMappableSeq0` `LowPriorityToMappable1` ⇒ `LowPriorityToMappableOption1` ⇒ `LowPriorityToMappableSeq1` ⇒ `LowPriorityToMappable0` ⇒ `LowPriorityToMappableOption0` ⇒ `LowPriorityToMappableSeq0` ??? To handle huge amount ambiguous implicit values --- # Benchmark ### Compilation (seconds) | | `Arbitrary[T]` | Converters | |-----------|---------------:|-----------:| | shapeless | 45 | 59 | | Magnolia | 3 | 8 | -- ### Converters (ns/op) | | Avro From | Avro To | BigQuery From | BigQuery To | Datastore From | Datastore To | |-----------|----------:|---------:|--------------:|------------:|---------------:|-------------:| | shapeless | 3444.143 | 6720.992 | 4839.656 | 3791.165 | 8482.950 | 6142.070 | | Magnolia | 1218.947 | 3534.206 | 7740.430 | 8441.074 | 1990.760 | 5656.189 | --- # Other Fun Bits - ### `ambiguous implicit values` - `List`, `Option` are sealed traits! - ### `Hash[T]` - mirror `scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3#productHash` - ### Micro-optimization - `Semigroup#combineAllOption`, etc. - ### Scala 2.11 - Magnolia fork - ### Scala 2.13 - shims for `CanBuildFrom` ⇒ `mutable.Builder`, etc. - ### Serialization - `CanBuildFrom`, data type round-trips ??? - To avoid conflict between auto derivation and `cats.instances.all._` - Discipline `Hash[T]` laws checks against "universal hash" and "scala hash" - Some `combineAllOption` implementations use mutable data structure to reduce GC pressure --- # Related work - ### [spotify/scio]( - Magnolia derived coders for data serialization - ### [nevillelyh/parquet-extra]( - Magnolia derived Parquet IO for Scala types - ### [milessabin/shapeless]( - generic programming for Scala - ### [nevillelyh/shapeless-datatype]( - shapeless based data type converters, etc. - ### [alexarchambault/scalacheck-shapeless]( - shapeless based Arbitrary derivation --- class: center, middle # Magnolify ## [](