class: center, middle # Featran ## Type safe and generic feature transformation in Scala Neville Li @sinisa_lyh Nov 2017 --- # Who am I? - ## Spotify NYC since 2011 - ## Formerly Yahoo! Search - ## Music recommendations - ## Data & ML infrastructure - ## Scio, Scalding, Spark, Storm, Parquet, etc. --- # Spotify - ## 100M+ active users, 40M+ subscribers - ## 30M+ songs, 20K new per day - ## 2B+ playlists, 1B+ plays per day --- # Data & ML @ Spotify - ## 100PB+ data, 60TB+ per day log ingestion - ## 20K+ jobs per day - ## ~300 in #Scala, 1K+ unique jobs - ## ~300 in #ML, Scio, Featran and TensorFlow for ML --- class: center, middle # Feature engineering ## _is the process of using domain knowledge of the data to create features_ ## _that make machine learning algorithms work_ --- class: center, middle # Feature engineering ##_is fundamental to the application of machine learning and_ ## _is both difficult and expensive_ --- class: center, middle ## _Coming up with features is_ ## _difficult, time-consuming, requires expert knowledge_ ## _"Applied machine learning" is basically feature engineering_ – Andrew Ng, _Machine Learning and AI via Brain simulations_ --- # Let's look at 3 basic feature transformers - ## Binarizer - ## Min-max scaler - ## One hot encoder --- # Binarizer - ## Transform numerical features to binary features - ## Feature values > threshold are binarized to 1.0 - ## Values <= threshold are binarized to 0.0 --- # Binarizer ## `input = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]` ## `threshold = 0.5` -- ## `output = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]` --- # Min-Max Scaler - ## Rescale each feature to a specific range [min, max] (default [0, 1]). --- # Min-Max Scaler ## `input = [-10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 30.0]` -- ## `output = [0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.0]` --- # One Hot Encoder - ## Transform categorical features to binary columns - ## With at most a single one-value --- # One Hot Encoder ## `input = [a, b, a, c, b, d]` -- #### `output = [` #### `[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // a` #### `[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], // b` #### `[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // a` #### `[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], // c` #### `[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], // b` #### `[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] // d` --- class: center, middle # Simple Enough? # Let's Code It --- # Binarizer - ### Input `Double` - ### Map `Double => Double` --- # Min-Max Scaler - ### Input `Double` -- - ### Map `Double => (Min[Double], Max[Double])` ### Reduce( ### Map `(Min[Double], Max[Double]) => (Double, Double)` -- - ### Map `Double => Double` with `(Double, Double)` --- # One Hot Encoder - ### Input `String` -- - ### Map `String => Set[String]` ### Reduce( ### Map `Set[String] => Array[String]` -- - ### Map `String => Array[Double]` with `Array[String]` --- # Transformer - ### Record `T` - ### Extract `T => A` -- - ### `Aggregator[A, B, C]` - Prepare `A => B` - Reduce `(B, B) => B` // `implicit sg: Semigroup[B]` - Present `B => C` // Settings -- - ### Transform `A` with `C` --- class: center, middle # Featran --- class: center, middle # Featran77 --- class: center, middle # F77 (get it?) --- # FeatureSpec - ### Record `T` - ### Extract `T => A` - ### Transform `Transform[A, B, C]` -- ```scala class FeatureSpec[T] { def required[A](f: T => A)(t: Transformer[A, _, _]) def optional[A](f: T => Option[A], default: Option[A] = None)(t: Transformer[A, _, _]) } ``` ```scala FeatureSpec.of[Record] .required(_.getDuration)(Binarizer("is_long", 300000.0)) .required(_.getDuration)(MinMaxScaler("duration_norm")) .optional(_.getGenre)(OneHotEncoder("genre")) ``` --- # FeatureExtractor `FeatureSpec#extract[M[_]: CollectionType](input: M[T]): FeatureExtractor[M, T]` - ### `featureNames` - ### `featureValues` - ### `featureSettings` - `C` in `Aggregator[A, B, C]` -- ```scala trait CollectionType[M[_]] { self => def map[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => B): M[B] def reduce[A](ma: M[A], f: (A, A) => A): M[A] def cross[A, B](ma: M[A], mb: M[B]): M[(A, B)] // map A with C } ``` --- # FeatureBuilder `FeatureExtractor#featureValues[F: FeatureBuilder]: M[F]` - ### `Array[T]`, `Traversable[T]`, `DenseVector[T]` - ### `Map[String, T]`, `SparseVector[T]`, TensorFlow `Example` -- ```scala trait FeatureBuilder[T] { self => def init(dimension: Int): Unit def add(name: String, value: Double): Unit def skip(): Unit def result: T def map[U](f: T => U): FeatureBuilder[U] = new FeatureBuilder[U] { // ... } } ``` --- # FeatureSettings - Fresh data - Aggregator map → reduce → map - Map with settings ```scala val training: Seq[T] = // ... val spec: FeatureSpec[T] val settings = spec.extract(training).featureSettings ``` -- - Reuse settings - No aggregator - Map with settings ```scala val validation: Seq[T] = // ... spec.extractWithSettings(validation, settings) ``` --- # Other features - Feature rejection - out of bound, unseen, wrong dimension, etc. -- - Combining specs ```scala val fs1: FeatureSpec.of[Record] = // ... val fs2: FeatureSpec.of[Record] = // ... MultiFeatureSpec(f1, f2).extract(data) ``` -- - Feature crossing ```scala fs.required(_.userId)(OneHotEncoder("user")) .required(_.trackId)(OneHotEncoder("track")) .cross("user", "track")(_ * _) ``` -- - Java API - Scio pipeline + TensorFlow → training - Java backend + TensorFlow Java → prediction --- # Available transformers - Binarizer - Bucketizer - Hash{OneHot,NHot,NHotWeighted}Encoder - HeavyHitters - Identity - MaxAbsScaler - MinMaxScaler - {OneHot,NHot,NHotWeighted}Encoder - PolynomialExpansion - QuantileDiscretizer - StandardScaler - VectorIdentity - VonMisesEvaluator --- # Landscape - ## Spark MLLib - ### Tied to Spark ecosystem, e.g. execution, modeling - ### Hard to use in production services -- - ## scikit-learn - ### Python, no Java binding - ### No distributed processing --- # Featran - ## Decoupled execution - ### Any system that supports `map`, `reduce`, `cross` - ### Scio, Scalding, Spark, Flink, in-memory collections -- - ## Decoupled output format - ### Dense array, `Seq`, vector, etc. - ### Sparse vector, `Map`, TensorFlow `Example`, etc. --- class: center, middle # Property-based testing ## With ScalaCheck --- class: center, middle # 100% Coverage --- class: center, middle # On the First Try --- ## Will it work? ```scala import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.scalacheck.Prop.BooleanOperators object NumbersSpec extends Properties("Numbers") { def norm(xs: Seq[Double]): Seq[Double] = / xs.sum) property("norm") = forAll { xs: Seq[Double] => norm(xs).sum == 1.0 } } ``` -- ## Nope ``` [info] ! Numbers.average: Falsified after 0 passed tests. [info] > ARG_0: Vector() ``` --- ## What about this? ```scala property("norm") = forAll { xs: Seq[Double] => xs.nonEmpty ==> (norm(xs).sum == 1.0) } ``` -- ## Nope ``` [info] ! Numbers.average: Falsified after 15 passed tests. [info] > ARG_0: Vector(-1.8145861263590573E-5, 3.101917991440561E-5) [info] > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: Vector(-1.0642996781996996E249, -7.023164963687812E-263, -1.9836307051090494E-76, -2.5295849475521455E-27, 5.000995821866991E260, 3.2867913058433804E-163, 8.62489971039238E-125, -7.418410009981383E149, -3.0393193606028294E-55, 3.050613956430345E136, 3.5550746742173184E-238, 4.2386125276913356E234, 4.39109603426591E-162) ``` -- ## Auto shrinking ``` [info] > ARG_0: Vector(-1.8145861263590573E-5, 3.101917991440561E-5) ``` --- # Other interesting properties - ### ??? `Double.MaxValue + Double.MaxValue` - ### ??? `Double.MaxValue + 1 == Double.MaxValue` - ### ??? `Double.NaN == Double.NaN` --- # Bugs -- - ## Closure serialization - ### `@transient` - ### `extends Serializable` -- - ## Concurrency and shared mutable states - ### `implicit val` vs `implicit def` --- # Performance -- - ## sbt-jmh -- - ## while loops -- - ## Specialized primitive arrays -- - ## Picking the right data structure --- class: center, middle # Use Case --- class: center, middle
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--- class: center, middle # The End ## Happy Transforming