Date Category code Tags scala / fp

We had a knowledge sharing session at work recently on Shapeless for automatic type class derivation. Here is a little write-up for the topic.

Scala List

First let’s review how List works in Scala. A List is a linked list with head and tail, plus Nil for empty list. It can be represented with the following abstract data type:

sealed trait List[+A] {
  def ::[B >: A](head: B): List[B] = Cons(head, this)
case object Nil extends List[Nothing] // Nothing is a sub-type of every other type
case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A]

Notice that ::, the list concatenation operation, is just a method on trait List[+A]. Since Scala operators that end with : are right-associative, we can conveniently create lists by chaining multiple ::s. Therefore the following expressions are equivalent:

1 :: 2 :: Nil
1 :: (2 :: Nil)
Cons(1, Cons(2, Nil))

It’s important to point out here that Scala List is homogeneous, i.e. it has a single type parameter A and thus can only store elements of A and its sub-types. On the other hand, it can have varying numbers of elements at runtime.

Shapeless HList

Since List is homogeneous, the most common way to represent lists of different types in Scala is tuples. However, since tuples of different arities are different types (Tuple2[A, B], Tuple3[A, B, C], …) and limited to 22 elements, it’s hard to write generic code that operates on tuples of varying arities.

Heterogenous list, or HList, is the core type in Shapeless and can represent lists of varying lengths with different element types.

sealed trait HList

// HNil is both a type (trait) and an object
sealed trait HNil extends HList {
  def ::[H](head: H): H :: HNil = new ::(head, this)
case object HNil extends HNil
case class ::[+H, +T <: HList](head: H, tail: T) extends HList

implicit class HListOps[T <: HList](val self: T) extends AnyVal {
  def ::[H](head: H): H :: T = new ::(head, self)

And the following expressions are equivalent:

1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil
1 :: (3.14 :: ("foo" :: (true :: HNil)))
::(1, ::(3.14, ::("foo", ::(true, HNil))))

Note that there are two ::(head: H) implementations with different return types H :: HNil and H :: T. This way types of all elements are retained and not erased to HList if :: was only defined in trait HList.

Also note that in Scala, generic types with 2 type paramemters can be used in an infix position, i.e. ::[H, T] == H :: T, and those that end with : are right-associative, we can conveniently create unique HList types in a syntax similar to List creation.

// ::[Int, ::[Double, HNil]]
type L1 = Int :: Double :: HNil

// ::(1, ::(3.14, HNil))
val l1: L1 = 1 :: 3.14 :: HNil

// ::[Int, ::[Double, ::[String, HNil]]]
type L2 = Int :: Double :: String :: HNil

// ::(1, ::(3.14, ::("foo", HNil)))
val l2: L2 = 1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: HNil

// ::[Int, ::[Double, ::[String, ::[Boolean, HNil]]]]
type L3 = Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil

// ::(1, ::(3.14, ::("foo", ::(true, HNil))))
val l3: L3 = 1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil

We can see that each HList instance, i.e. L1, L2, L3, is a unique type with fixed but varying number of element types determined at compile time. But since all of them are instances of HList and recursively H :: T, we can operate them in a generic way with implicits.

Implicit type-class derivation

Now let’s look at how we can operate HList by recursively process head and tail. Say we have a Flip[T] type class that flips the value of type T, and implicit instances for Int, Double, Boolean and String.

trait Flip[T] {
  def apply(x: T): T

object Flip {
  def apply[T](f: T => T): Flip[T] = new Flip[T] {
    override def apply(x: T): T = f(x)

implicit val intFlip = Flip[Int](-_)
implicit val doubleFlip = Flip[Double](-_)
implicit val booleanFlip = Flip[Boolean](!_)
implicit val stringFlip = Flip[String](_.reverse)

And we want to apply Flip[T] to an Hlist of arbitrary length and types. For an HList of A :: B :: C :: D :: HNil, we want to recursively summon implicit instances of Flip[T] for the heads, i.e. A, B, C, D, and the tails, i.e. B :: C :: D :: HNil, C :: D :: HNil, D :: HNil, HNil. As any recursive approach it’s easy to start with the terminal case HNil.

import shapeless._

implicit val hnilFlip = Flip[HNil](_ => HNil)

implicit def hconsFlip[H, T <: HList]
(implicit hf: Flip[H], tf: Flip[T]) // summon implicit instances, tf is computed recursively
: Flip[H :: T] = new Flip[H :: T] {
  override def apply(x: H :: T): H :: T = hf(x.head) :: tf(x.tail)

Now we can summon an implicit Flip[T] with any HList instances.

def flip[T](x: T)(implicit f: Flip[T]) = f(x)

flip(1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil)
// Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil = -1 :: -3.14 :: "oof" :: false :: HNil

The above code is expanded at compile time to:

val f = hconsFlip(intFlip,
      hconsFlip(booleanFlip, hnilFlip))))
f.apply(1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil)

Generic and LabelledGeneric

Now that we know how to operate HLists in a generic way, Shapeless also offers Generic and LabelledGeneric for operating tuples and case classes in the same manner. Generic is a type-class for conversion between Scala types and HLists.

// (Int, Double, String, Boolean) <=> Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil
val gen = Generic[(Int, Double, String, Boolean)]

val l =, 3.14, "foo", true)) // 1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil
val t = gen.from(l) // (1, 3.14, "foo", true)

We can now extend flip to any tuples.

def flip[T, L <: HList](x: T)
                       (implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, L], f: Flip[L]): T =

// T = (Int, Double, String, Boolean)
// L = Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil
// gen = Generic[(Int, Double, String, Boolean)]
// f = implicitly[Flip[Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil]]
flip((1, 3.14, "foo", true))
// (Int, Double, String, Boolean) = (-1, -3.14, "oof", false)

Generic also works with case classes, so our flip method works automatically supports them as well.

case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String, b: Boolean)
// Record <=> Int :: Double :: String :: Boolean :: HNil
val gen = Generic[Record]
val l =, 3.14, "foo", true)) // 1 :: 3.14 :: "foo" :: true :: HNil
val g = gen.from(l) // Record(1, 3.14, "foo", true)

flip(Record(1, 3.14, "foo", true)) // Record(-1, -3.14, "oof", false)

You might have noticed that so far we’ve only operated on the types and values of individual fields, but not field names in a case class. LabelledGeneric is designed just for that by giving us access field names via the type system.

val gen = LabelledGeneric[Record]
// Int with shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("i")], Int]
// :: Double with shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("d")], Double]
// :: String with shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("s")], String]
// :: Boolean with shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("b")], Boolean]
// :: shapeless.HNil

Each field type e.g. Int, Double is extended with KeyTag[K, V] where K is a macro generated singleton type that uniquely represents the string value. Without diving too deep into the topic, we can retrieve the field name with the Witness type class.

import shapeless.labelled.FieldType

def name[K <: Symbol, V](f: FieldType[K, V])
                        (implicit wit: Witness.Aux[K]): String =

// l.head: Int with shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("i")], Int]
name(l.head) // "i"

We can now derive type classes that also depends on field names, for example ToMap[T] that converts T to Map[String, Any].

import shapeless._
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType

trait ToMap[T] {
  def apply(x: T): Map[String, Any]

implicit val hnilToMap = new ToMap[HNil] {
  override def apply(x: HNil) = Map.empty

implicit def hconsToMap[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList]
(implicit wit: Witness.Aux[K], ttm: ToMap[T])
: ToMap[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = new ToMap[FieldType[K, H] :: T] {
  override def apply(x: FieldType[K, H] :: T): Map[String, Any] =
    ttm(x.tail) + ( -> x.head)

def toMap[T, L <: HList](x: T)
                        gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T, L],
                        tm: ToMap[L]): Map[String, Any] =

case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String, b: Boolean)
toMap(Record(1, 3.14, "foo", true)) // Map("b" -> true, "s" -> "foo", d -> 3.14, i -> 1)

Type class companions

Now we know how to write generic code that works with tuples and case classes, but the above examples are still pretty verbose. Luckily there’re are some helpers in shapeless to reduce boilerplate for these problems, namely ProductTypeClassCompanion and LabelledProductTypeClassCompanion.

The ProductTypeClassCompanion skeleton for Flip[T] looks like this:

import shapeless._

object FlipDerivedOrphans extends ProductTypeClassCompanion[Flip] {
  override val typeClass = new ProductTypeClass[Flip] {
    override def product[H, T <: HList](ch: Flip[H], ct: Flip[T]): Flip[H :: T] = ???
    override def emptyProduct: Flip[HNil] = ???
    override def project[F, G](instance: => Flip[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Flip[F] = ???

It’s easy to fill in the blanks.

object FlipDerivedOrphans extends ProductTypeClassCompanion[Flip] {
  override val typeClass = new ProductTypeClass[Flip] {
    override def product[H, T <: HList](ch: Flip[H], ct: Flip[T]): Flip[H :: T] =
      Flip[H :: T](x => ch(x.head) :: ct(x.tail))
    override def emptyProduct: Flip[HNil] = Flip[HNil](_ => HNil)
    override def project[F, G](instance: => Flip[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Flip[F] =
      Flip[F](f => from(instance(to(f))))

implicit def deriveFlip[T]
(implicit orphan: Orphan[Flip, FlipDerivedOrphans.type, T])
: Flip[T] = orphan.instance

case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String, b: Boolean)
val f = implicitly[Flip[Record]]
f(Record(1, 3.14, "foo", true))

Likewise we can use LabelledProductTypeClassCompanion for ToMap[T].

object ToMapDerivedOrphans extends LabelledProductTypeClassCompanion[ToMap] {
  override val typeClass = new LabelledProductTypeClass[ToMap] {
    override def product[H, T <: HList](name: String, ch: ToMap[H], ct: ToMap[T]): ToMap[H :: T] =
      new ToMap[H :: T] {
        override def apply(x: H :: T): Map[String, Any] = ct(x.tail) + (name -> x.head)
    override def emptyProduct: ToMap[HNil] =
      new ToMap[HNil] {
        override def apply(x: HNil): Map[String, Any] = Map.empty
    override def project[F, G](instance: => ToMap[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): ToMap[F] =
      new ToMap[F] {
        override def apply(x: F): Map[String, Any] = instance(to(x))

implicit def deriveToMap[T]
(implicit orphan: Orphan[ToMap, ToMapDerivedOrphans.type, T])
: ToMap[T] = orphan.instance

case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String, b: Boolean)
val f = implicitly[ToMap[Record]]
f(Record(1, 3.14, "foo", true))

However this doesn’t work right away. The compiler complains about could not find implicit value for parameter e: ToMap[Record]. Upon closer inspection, we can see that even though the ch: ToMap[H] argument in def product is unused, it’s still summoning implicits for Int, Double, String and Boolean. This can be worked around by introducing dummy instances like below. Since dummyToMap is in the companion object ToMap which has lower priority than deriveToMap in the current scope, it’s only used for ch: TopMap[H] and not implicitly[ToMap[Record]]. This is obviously not the most elegant solution and only used here to demonstrate common problems when designing and deriving type classes. A better solution might be using an ADT as ToMap#apply return type instead of Map[String, Any], and use pattern matching to handle head (single field) vs. tail (Map) cases.

object ToMap {
  implicit def dummyToMap[T] = new ToMap[T] {
    override def apply(x: T) = ???

This concludes the write-up. However there’re still some topics not covered, like Coproduct and more complex scenarios for implicit lookup.



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