class: center, middle # Advanced Scala ## BigDiffy Neville Li @sinisa_lyh Sep 2016 --- class: center, middle # BigDiffy ## Pairwise Field-Level Statistical Diff ## a.k.a. B4D 4$$ D1FF [github/ratatool:BigDiffy.scala]( --- # What's a diff? ```diff @@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ object AlgebirdSpec extends Properties("Algebird") { .boundsContain(xs.internal.toSet.size) } - property("aggregate with HyperLogLog") = forAll(sCollOf(Gen.alphaStr)) { xs => + property("aggregate with HyperLogLog") = forAll(sCollOfN(1000, Gen.alphaStr)) { xs => xs.aggregate(HyperLogLogAggregator(10).composePrepare(_.getBytes)) .approximateSize // approximate bounds should contain exact distinct count ``` --- # Unix diff - ## Line-oriented - ## Ordered sequences --- # Big data - ## Record-oriented - ## Unordered parallel collections --- # What's a delta? ### Change of any changeable quantity - ## Numeric: Δ(10, 9) = 10 - 9 = 1 - ## String: Levenshtein edit distance Δ(Lez Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin) = 1 - ## Vector: Δ(v1, v2) = 1 - CosineSim(v1, v2) → [0.0, 2.0] --- # Abstract "Delta" Types ```scala object DeltaType extends Enumeration { val NUMERIC, STRING, VECTOR = Value } sealed trait DeltaValue case object UnknownDelta extends DeltaValue case class TypedDelta(deltaType: DeltaType.Value, value: Double) extends DeltaValue object NumericDelta { def apply(value: Double): TypedDelta = TypedDelta(DeltaType.NUMERIC, value) } object StringDelta { def apply(value: Double): TypedDelta = TypedDelta(DeltaType.STRING, value) } object VectorDelta { def apply(value: Double): TypedDelta = TypedDelta(DeltaType.VECTOR, value) } ``` --- # Field level deltas ```scala case class Delta(field: String, left: Any, right: Any, delta: DeltaValue) ``` ```scala abstract class Diffy[T] { def apply(x: T, y: T): Seq[Delta] } ``` ## `T` → Avro, ProtoBuf, or BigQuery TableRow ```scala Delta("", "Lez Zeppelin", "Led Zeppelin", TypedDelta(STRING, 1.0)) Delta("track.popularity", 50, 80, TypedDelta(NUMERIC, 30.0)) Delta("track.acoustic_vector", [0.1234, ...], [0.4321, ...], TypedDelta(VECTOR, 0.02)) ``` --- # Implementing `Diffy[T]` - ## Generic programing in Java a.k.a. treating everything as objects - ## Recursion recursion recursion... - ## Stops at repeated nested records - ## `Object.equals()` --- # BigDiffy ### Implementation in Scio, copy pastable to Scalding and Spark - ## LHS, RHS → `SCollection[T]` - ## `keyFn: T => String` - ## `diffy: Diffy[T]` --- class: center, middle # Demo Time! --- # Pairwise field-level deltas ```scala def computeDeltas[T](lhs: SCollection[T], rhs: SCollection[T], diffy: Diffy[T], keyFn: T => String) = { val lKeyed = => (keyFn(t), ("l", t))) val rKeyed = => (keyFn(t), ("r", t))) (lKeyed ++ rKeyed) .groupByKey .map { case (k, vs) => val m = vs.toMap if (m.size == 2) { val ds = diffy(m("l"), m("r")) // Seq[Delta] val dt = if (ds.isEmpty) SAME else DIFFERENT (k, (ds, dt)) // (field, ([delta...], delta type)) } else { val dt = if (m.contains("l")) MISSING_RHS else MISSING_LHS (k, (Nil, dt)) // (field, ([], delta type)) } } } ``` -- ### Essentially a `map` → `concat` → `groupByKey` → `map` --- # Summing deltas ```scala deltas // (field, [delta...], delta type)) .map { case (_, (ds, dt)) => val m = mutable.Map.empty[String, (Long, Option[(DeltaType.Value, Min[Double], Max[Double], Moments)])] ds.foreach { d => val optD = match { case UnknownDelta => None case TypedDelta(t, v) => Some((t, Min(v), Max(v), Moments.aggregator.prepare(v))) } // Map of: field -> Semigroup of Option[(count, delta stats)] m(d.field) = (1L, optD) } // also sum global statistics val dtVec = dt match { case SAME => (1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L) case DIFFERENT => (1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L) case MISSING_LHS => (1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L) case MISSING_RHS => (1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L) } (dtVec, m.toMap) } .sum ``` -- ### Essentially a `map` → `sum` --- # What does the last `sum` do? -- - ## (delta type vec, field map) -- - ## delta type vec → (total, same, diff, missing LHS, missing RHS) -- - ## field map → field → Option[(count, delta stats)] -- - ## delta stats → (delta type, min, max, moments) -- - ## moments → (count, mean, variance, stddev, skewness, kurtosis) --- class: center, middle # [Semigroup!]( --- # What about non-determinism? ```scala class Diffy[T](val ignore: Set[String], val unordered: Set[String]) ``` - ## `ignore` - fields to ignore during comparison Date, timestamp, random ID - ## `unordered` - fields to be treated as unordered list Sets --- # Use cases - ## Tracking data set change over time - ## Validation when porting pipelines - ## Composite key for time series, e.g. (user + track + timestamp) - ## Integration or regression test - ## Sanity checking ML models --- class: center, middle # The End ## Happy Diffing